热门培训: 少儿英语 | 幼儿英语 | 冬夏令营 | 剑桥英语 | 走遍美国
发表时间:2011-2-19 22:05:05 来源: 互联网  点击次数:47013次   

got a warm reception in America 

18. We get the impression that the American edition of FMR will probably ___. 
A. carry many academic articles of high standard 
B. follow the style of some famous existing magazines 
C. be mad by one third of American magazine readers 
D. pursue a distinctive editorial style of its own 


 My mother’s relations were very different from the Mitfords. Her brother, Uncle Geoff, who often came to stay at Swimbrook, was a small spare man with th oughtful blue eyes and a rather silent manner. Compared to Uncle Tommy, he was a n intellectual of the highest order, and indeed his satirical pen belied his mil d demeanor. He spent most of his waking hours composing letters to The Times and other publications in which he outlined his own particular theory of the develo pment of English history. In Uncle Geoff’s view, the greatness of England had r isen and waned over the centuries in direct proportion to the use of natural man ure in fertilizing the soil. The Black Death of 1348 was caused by gradual loss of the humus fertility found under forest trees. The rise of the Elizabethans tw o centuries later was attributable to the widespread use of sheep manure.  

Many of Uncle Geoff’s letters-to-the-editor have fortunately been preserv ed in a privately printed volume called Writings of a Rebel. Of the collection, one letter best sums up his views on the relationship between manure and freedom  

. He wrote: 

Collating old records shows that our greatness rises and falls with the li ving fertility of our soil. And now, many years of exhausted and chemically murd ered soil, and of devitalized food from it, has softened our bodies and still wo rse, softened our national character. It is an actual fact that character is lar gely a product of the soil. Many years of murdered food from deadened soil has m ade us too tame. Chemicals have had their poisonous day.

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