热门培训: 少儿英语 | 幼儿英语 | 冬夏令营 | 剑桥英语 | 走遍美国
发表时间:2011-2-19 22:05:05 来源: 互联网  点击次数:46989次   


  The Chinese experience with rural development has demonstrated that agricu ltural modernization via labour-intensive techniques is a highly promising way t o create extra jobs without extensive geographic displacement of the farmers. Re garding the impact of transfer of agricultural commodities on the long-term grow th rate in the recipient country, it can be said that transfer of agricultural c ommodities under confessional terms may resuit in an ultimate lowering of the re cipient countries long-term growth rate.

First read the question. 

33. The passage is most probably from ___. 
A. a review of a book on cowboys 
B. a study of cowboy work culture 
C. a novel about cowboy life and culture 
D. a school textbook on the cowboy history 

  Now go through TEXT G quickly to answer question 33. 
  A cowboy is defined by the work that he does. Any man can lay claim to that name if he lives on a ranch and works—— drives, brands, castrates, or murmurs ——a cattleman’s herd. In addition, working accounts for ways in which cowboy s portray themselves in their art: in 19th-century poems that they orally compose d and sang on the ranch, in 20th-century poems that they write, in books that th ey publish, and in art objects that they fashion, cowboys always represent thems elves as engaging in some form of labour. This book’s three fold purpose is, fi r st, to look at art that cowboys produce——art, that has never been studied befo re——and, second, to demonstrate that cowboy art values historically document l abour routines that cowboys have traditionally acted out in their work culture. 

  I use the term work culture not only to suggest that cowboys are defined b y the work that they do, but also to argue that they are serf-represented in cul ture by poems, prose, and art that ail reveal cowboys to be men who are cultural ly unified by engaging in labour routines that they th

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